Sinead O’Connor admitted to hospital days after teenage son’s death
Singer Sinead O'Connor has been admitted to hospital, just days after her 17-year-old son Shane O'Connor was found dead.
Entertainment News
Singer Sinead O'Connor has been admitted to hospital, just days after her 17-year-old son Shane O'Connor was found dead.
La cantante Sinead O'Connor ha ingresado voluntariamente en un hospital, aunque ha tenido que ser escoltada por la policía, para tratar de paliar el daño físico y emocional derivado de la muerte de su hijo ....
Shane O’Connor - Sinead O'Connor's teenage son - has been found dead.
Sinead O'Connor believes that Prince was "involved in Devil business" after a violent encounter at the late music icon's home in the 1990s.
La cantante Sinead O'Connor ha encontrado una nueva vocación al margen de la música en el cuidado a los enfermos, que le ha llevado a retomar sus estudios para formarse como auxiliar de atención sanitaria, ....