Margot Robbie thought nobody was ‘going to notice’ her in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’
Hollywood star Margot Robbie was surprised by the impact of her appearance in 'The Wolf of Wall Street'.
Entertainment News
Hollywood star Margot Robbie was surprised by the impact of her appearance in 'The Wolf of Wall Street'.
Margot Robbie was extremely "nervous" about shooting the X-rated scene.
Leonardo DiCaprio almost lost his role in 'Titanic' after director James Cameron was unimpressed with his attitude during auditions.
El oscarizado Leonardo DiCaprio se consagró como estrella del celuloide gracias a la premiadísima 'Titanic' (1997), la cinta de James Cameron que se llevó nada menos que once estatuillas doradas y que sirvió al intérprete ....
Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio turned 48 in style over the weekend (12.11.22-13.11.22) by throwing a lavish party in Beverly Hills, California for all his celebrity pals
Leonardo DiCaprio and Gigi Hadid stayed "late into the night" at a Halloween party and had a "great time" togther.
Leonardo DiCaprio y Gigi Hadid han estado saliendo desde que el actor se separó de Camila Morrone en el verano de 2022, después de cinco años de relación y ahora una fuente cercana a la ....
Gigi Hadid is on "better terms" with Zayn Malik after their bitter split involving an alleged assault on Yolanda Hadid.
Christian Bale says he only has a career because Leonardo DiCaprio has passed up so many film roles.
Zayn Malik has unfollowed Gigi Hadid on Instagram, amid reports she is dating Leonardo DiCaprio.