Lea Michele shares update on her son’s mystery health issues
Lea Michele's son is "doing well" again after being forced to return to the hospital following a mystery illness but she admits they have still got a "long way to go" on the road to ....
Entertainment News
Lea Michele's son is "doing well" again after being forced to return to the hospital following a mystery illness but she admits they have still got a "long way to go" on the road to ....
Lea Michele's son was hospitalised last month and was rushed back on April 5.
La actriz Lea Michelle tuvo que suspender, a finales de marzo, su participación en la obra de Broadway 'Funny Girl' a causa de los problemas de salud que padecía su hijo Ever Leo, fruto de ....
Lea Michele's son is home and doing "well" after being hospitalised last month.
La actriz Lea Michelle se vio obligada a abandonar temporalmente su musical de Broadway 'Funny Girl' el pasado mes de marzo debido a los problemas de salud que atravesaba su pequeño Ever Leo, fruto de ....
Lea Michele's two-year-old son is not yet "out of the woods completely" after being hospitalised earlier this week.
Lea Michele has pulled out of Wednesday's (22.03.23) performances of 'Funny Girl' after her son was taken to hospital due to a "scary health issue".
Lea Michele has had a lot of "healing and eye-opening" conversations following the backlash about her alleged "unpleasant" behaviour on 'Glee'.
Naya Rivera and Lea Michele both "hated" and respected each other.
La actriz y cantante Lea Michele es una de las vocalistas más portentosas de la industria del entretenimiento estadounidense, como demostró durante sus años en la serie 'Glee' y, de forma más reciente, en su ....