Lana Del Rey didn’t want a nude album cover to ‘get in the way’
Lana Del Rey explained that she didn't want to share the nude image in reaction to criticism.
Entertainment News
Lana Del Rey explained that she didn't want to share the nude image in reaction to criticism.
Lana Del Rey paved the way for artists "talking about how things really are in their lives" - but faced physical and verbal hate for it.
Lana Del Rey didn't provide a reason for the delay to the album.
Pop superstar Billie Eilish admits she was surprised to hear people considered her songs to be "depressing and dark" when she was starting out.
Lana Del Rey has revealed her car was broken into "a few months ago" in Los Angeles and a laptop computer containing her ninth studio album was stolen.
A principios de este año Lana Del Rey fue víctima de un robo que borró de un plumazo los frutos de meses y meses de trabajo duro cuando se quedó sin su cámara y sin ....
Lana Del Rey ha pedido a sus fans que no escuchen la música filtrada en Internet ni vean sus fotos personales, ya que aseguró que recientemente le robaron su computadora, sus cámaras y los discos ....
Taylor Swift is dropping the ‘Anti-Hero’ music video on Friday (21.10.2022), the same day of her 'Midnights' album release.
Lana Del Rey has obtained a temporary restraining order from a man she claims stole her car on the first of two unwanted visits to her home.
Lana Del Rey ha obtenido una orden de alejamiento temporal contra un hombre que la ha acosado en los últimos meses e, incluso, le ha robado uno de sus automóviles. La intérprete de 'Video Games' ....