Jason Derulo’s ex-manager wants 1 million
Jason Derulo's former manager is seeking more than $1 million from the singer after claiming the star has backtracked over an oral agreement they made in 2014..
Entertainment News
Jason Derulo's former manager is seeking more than $1 million from the singer after claiming the star has backtracked over an oral agreement they made in 2014..
Jason Derulo has revealed a new album is on the way with the pop star set to release a new single every month.
Jason Derulo broke his foot and tore a ligament playing basketball three weeks ago.
Parece que Jason Derulo ha decidido asumir su parte de culpa y no guardarle rencor a su antigua prometida Jena Frumes por haber revelado públicamente que su compromiso se había cancelado debido a sus idilios ....
Jason Derulo was spoken to by police after allegedly getting involved in a fight but was not arrested or cited.
El cantante Jason Derulo inició una breve pero llamativa pelea en la madrugada del pasado martes, como atestigua el vídeo que ha publicado el portal de noticias TMZ sobre el altercado. El suceso se produjo ....
El cantante Jason Derulo ha compartido un comunicado en su cuenta de Twitter, donde rara vez entra a hablar de temas personales, para anunciar que su pareja Jena Frumes y él han decidido seguir "caminos ....
Drake has landed four nominations for this year's Urban Music Awards.
Jason Derulo thinks his girlfriend Jena Frumes is an “incredible” mother, as he admits he struggles to wake up early the morning after becoming a father for the first time.
El cantante de 31 años debutó en la paternidad cuando la modelo Jena Frumes dio a luz a su primer hijo en común el pasado 8 de mayo. La feliz mamá ha sido la encargada ....