Jamie Dornan admits Fifty Shades critics were difficult to deal with
Jamie Dornan has "no regrets" about starring in the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' movies.
Entertainment News
Jamie Dornan has "no regrets" about starring in the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' movies.
Jamie Dornan was never confident around women and envied how at ease his friends always were.
Jamie Dornan found lockdown to be "frightening" at times but he's grateful he got to spend so much time with his wife and children.
El padre de Jamie Dornan ha fallecido a los 73 años de edad tras contraer el coronavirus y, desde que se ha conocido la noticia este mismo lunes, no han parado de aparecer tributos en ....
Jamie Dornan likes to start his day by singing sad songs in the show, including the track 'Sand' by Stephen Sondheim.
Jamie Dornan spent $300 renting his movie, 'Trolls World Tour', for his kids - only to find out he could have got it free.
Jamie Dornan isn't bothered about the backlash to his Irish accent in his new movie 'Wild Mountain Thyme'.
El actor Jamie Dornan va a afrontar el período festivo sin probar ni una gota de champán o de cualquier otro tipo de bebida para solidarizarse con su esposa Amelia Warner, que ha pasado gran ....
Jamie Dornan says quarantine has been both “agony and ecstasy”, as he admits spending time at home has been "challenging" as well as "fun".
Jamie Dornan received "freaky" fan mail in lockdown.