Amanda Seyfried is very scared about going to Broadway
Amanda Seyfried is "very scared" about going to Broadway even though she feels ready to make her mark on The Great White Way.
Entertainment News
Amanda Seyfried is "very scared" about going to Broadway even though she feels ready to make her mark on The Great White Way.
Geena Davis was left "literally shaking" as she discussed the alleged abuse she was subjected to by Bill Murray on the set of their 1990 movie 'Quick Change'.
Geena Davis has revealed she used advice from her 'Tootsie' co-star Dustin Hoffman to get out of a date with Jack Nicholson.
Brad Pitt is said to have been so “embarrassed” about a spot on his bum while filming his ‘Thelma and Louise’ sex scene a make-up artist covered it up between takes.
'Beetlejuice 2' is in the "early" stages of development.
La actriz Geena Davis llevaba tres años envuelta en un complicado proceso de divorcio con su cuarto marido Reza Jarrahy, en el que cada parte trató de demostrar a toda costa si habían estado o ....